Nanday conures are a rather common small parrot found in a number of areas in central South America. They are fairly common in aviculture as well, though that's slowly changing due to their coloring being less brilliant than many parrots and having what many people consider to be the most annoying, ear-piercing shriek imaginable. I personally would rather listen to a moluccan cockatoo or large macaw scream than a nanday. Nevertheless, one of my friends dearly loves them and so I agreed to make her a custom based on them. More information on nandays can be found here.
Nanday was made from a Medley. Her mane was rehaired in black silky kanekalon hair to match the black feathers of a nanday's head, with her tail in blue to similarly match the tail. Her eyes have been repainted the dark brown that many conures, including nandays, have. On each flank she has a different nanday conure painted. These were done freehand and deliberately done differently. After all, as anyone who has spent time with conures knows, they can't hold still in the same position for more than a second or two at a time.
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